Friday, April 21, 2006

Being right

I remember in school there was this fantastic possibility of being right. Questions would have correct answers, and you could look in the back of the book on the answer sheet to see if you were right. I never really got why they printed the answers upside down in some of those actually. It's not like anyone is not going to figure out how to turn the book upside down?

This monstrous flaw in our education system has scarred me deeply. for years I have actually believed that someone could actually be right. That somewhere there was justice, and if you were right then in the end that would be confirmed, and you would be redeemed, all in the back of the big book of life. After a good 31 years on this little blue ball though, I think I'm ready to admit I was wrong. There is no such thing as being right. (In a way that in itself makes the admission a little less painful, because it also means I can't be wrong... but let’s not go there).

There is no right, no wrong. There is no good, no evil. There is only accepted an unaccepted. What we accept is right, and what we don't is wrong. If something happens that we do not accept it is evil. If life confirms what we like, that is good. It is all very simple really. And so, since there is no textbook in life that has upside down answers in the back, the only way for us to be good and right, is to be accepted. We either conform to the ideas of other, that are already accepted, or we sell our own. The keyword her being 'sell'. Because the acceptability of an idea has little to do with it's content. It is the packaging that does the trick.

Luckily I'm not the only one that has been holding this naive belief. In a way I think most people do especially religious people. It is why they desperately want there to be a god, and a judgement day, because that is the day that we will be allowed to turn the book upside down and look at the answers in the back!

I'd hate to see them proven wrong, but I fear the worst.....

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