Sunday, May 11, 2003

Smell the roses

We spent so much of our time looking for or working towards that something special. The perfect job, the perfect house, the raddest new graphics adapter or whatever it is that makes you tick. All this in preparation for that ultimate moment of being 'there', wherever that may be. And so we focus on the important stuff, 'cause we must stay sharp if we are ever to attain the ultimate state of being. Our goal, in the center of our focus, becomes ultimately sharp and detailed. The rest, cast away to the perimeter of our vision, becomes blurry and vague.

Of course being human means never being truly satisfied, so whatever your current possesions and achievements, there is always something more to strive for. And so we spend our lives focussed on something that is not yet there. Never looking to the beauty of the here and now. Faster and faster we go towards the glimpse of happyness on the horizon. Running on the railroadtrack hoping to reach that point in the distance where the two bars of iron meet. And then, usually at the age of fifty I am told, we pause and look over our shoulders. We look to the journey we have made and after three deep breaths we squeeze our eyes and focus on the horizon behind us. And to our dismay we discover that the bars of the railroad meet in the beginning of the track and frantically we run back, hoping to find the spot where they meet, wich we apparenty missed.

And so at the end of our lives we will have returned where we started long ago. We won't remember where we've been because all that time we focussed on that spot in the distance, never looking to the beautifull things to our left and our right. And when the breathing seizes and our soul rises up through the sky our vision expands and we look at the track only to see the bars never meet.